Please follow these steps if you want to swap your USDT-OMNI or USDT-ETH for TRC20 based USDT.
1. There are 3 parties involved in this transaction, YOU, TRON, and Tether.
2. Fill out the form here: and we will introduce you to a Tether representative who will help you through the rest of the process.
3. We suggest to keep 2 weeks of withdraw supply of USDT-OMNI or USDT-ETH, if needed.
4. Tether will ask YOU to to send your USDT-OMNI or USDT-ETH to a specific destruction address.
5. Tether will double confirm with you before the destruction process.
6. After the double confirmation, your USDT-OMNI or USDT -ETH will be destroyed.
7. IMPORTANT! Make sure you have at least 1 TRX in the TRON address you gave Tether! This will ensure that the TRON address is activated!
8. Next, give Tether the wallet address where you want to receive the TRC20 based USDT
9. Tether will double confirm with you before sending you the TRC20 based USDT.
10. Tether will do a final confirmation to ask if you have received the correct amount of TRC20 based USDT.
11. If you have any issues during this swapping process and cannot get a hold of Tether, please contact
For all the USDT related conversations, please make sure you are only communicating with the official email or official Telegram @TRONUSDTsupport and following the instructions from these channels. TRON Foundation is not responsible for the results of any swaps or transfers otherwise organized.