Justin Sun Presents Keynote Speech at WebX 2024, TRON DAO Featured as Title Sponsor

2 min readAug 30, 2024


WebX 2024 is a premier global Web3 conference organized and managed by CoinPost, Japan’s largest Web3 media. As one of Asia’s largest gathering of professionals in the crypto, blockchain, and Web3 spaces, WebX 2024 brought together companies, experts, entrepreneurs, investors, government officials, and media from Japan and abroad, creating a unique space for direct interaction and collaboration. TRON DAO played an integral role at WebX 2024, engaging in multiple sessions and making substantial contributions to the dynamic discussions and networking opportunities that the event provided.

Justin Sun’s Keynote

In his keynote, Sun emphasized the critical role of building dynamic and diverse ecosystems that genuinely empower communities. He articulated how the TRON blockchain ecosystem is an environment where everyone can discover their place and contribute meaningfully. Sun’s commitment to building solutions that empower individuals and bring communities together has been one of the contributing forces behind TRON’s rapid growth, highlighting how a people-first philosophy can lead to significant advancements in the blockchain space.

WebX Official Afterparty

The official afterparty, sponsored by TRON DAO, took place at Zouk Tokyo, where speakers, VIP guests, and participants gathered to celebrate the final day of WebX. The event provided a vibrant setting for attendees to unwind, network, and reflect on the conference’s success while enjoying music, drinks, and the dynamic atmosphere that encapsulated the spirit of innovation and collaboration fostered throughout the event.

OKJ Night

As an official side event of WebX, OKJ Night stood out as a memorable celebration, marking the significant rebranding of OKCoinJapan to OKJ. Supported by TRON DAO as a Platinum Sponsor, the event gathered industry leaders, setting the stage for future growth and collaboration in the blockchain space.

WebX 2024 was a remarkable convergence of innovation and collaboration, with TRON DAO at the forefront as a Title Sponsor. The conference underscored the power of building diverse and dynamic ecosystems, a vision articulated by Justin Sun in his keynote speech. His focus on community empowerment and the inclusive nature of the TRON ecosystem resonated deeply, highlighting how blockchain can drive meaningful change. With TRON DAO’s involvement as a Platinum Sponsor at the OKJ Night and sponsor at the WebX Official Afterparty, the event truly embodied the spirit of unity and progress. As the blockchain industry continues to evolve, TRON DAO remains committed to fostering environments where innovation can thrive and communities can flourish.

