TRON Developer Guide—Developer Energy Cost Protection

2 min readJun 6, 2019


Developer Origin Energy Limit

It is highly recommended to set an appropriate developer origin energy limit before deploying a contract to Mainnet. If a contract uses a low user energy pay ratio (developer pays most energy), but suffers from attacks/vulnerabilities as described in previous sections, the developer should set an origin_energy_limit during deployment. Regardless of the attack type, the developer will not use more than origin_energy_limit(in Energy) for each smart contract execution. This parameter prevents malicious attacks and fee penalties set by fee_limit. Each execution is limited to this amount of energy maximum. By default, contracts deployed without this parameter (including legacy contracts before this feature was enabled) are set to 1e7 Energy. Setting it to a value larger than 1e7 produces an error.

This value can be set in Tron-Box and Tron-Web:


For Tron-Box smart contract deployment, all global settings are in the tronbox.js file. Within this file, there is a parameter called originEnergyLimit, which refers to the developer origin energy limit.

module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
from: 'TPL66VK2gCXNCD7EJg9pgJRfqcRazjhUZY',
privateKey: 'da146374a75310b9666e834ee4ad0866d6f4035967bfc76217c5a495fff9f0d0',
consume_user_resource_percent: 30,
feeLimit: 1e9,
originEnergyLimit: 1e7, // Set origin energy limit
fullHost: '',
network_id: "*" // Match any network id


The API call takes in a parameter called originEnergyLimit. This parameter refers to the developer origin energy limit.

let abi = 'abi';
let code = 'bytecode';
async function deploy_contract() {
let contract_instance = await tronWeb.contract().new({
abi: JSON.parse(abi),
bytecode: code,
feeLimit: 1e9,
callValue: 0,
userFeePercentage: 30,
originEnergyLimit: 1e7, // Set origin energy limit
parameters: [param1, param2, param3, ...]

Updating Developer Origin Energy Limit

After a contract deploys, it’s developer origin energy limit can be adjusted through the updateEnergyLimit endpoint. Sign & broadcast the call to ensure it takes effect.




Written by TRON DAO

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