TRON Developer Guide—TRON-BOX—Getting Started

2 min readJun 14, 2019



TronBox is a development environment and framework for blockchains using the TRON Virtual Machine. Truffle provides the following core functionalities:

  • Smart contract compilation
  • Migration (deployment on the network)
  • Testing


OS requirement

  • NodeJS 5.0+
  • Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X
  • Shell
npm install -g tronbox

Initialize a Tron-Box Project

The command tronbox init initializes the file structure of a tronbox project.

tronbox init

Basic Commands

Extra Features in TronBox Console

  1. All the compiled contracts can be used, just like in development & test, front-end code, or during script migration.
  2. After each command, the contract is re-loaded. After invoking the migrate--reset command, you can immediately use the new address and binary.
  3. Every returned command’s promise is automatically logged. There is no need to use then(), which simplifies the command.

