TRON Developer Guide—Transaction Management

2 min readJun 18, 2019


Send Trx

tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx("TXPHCzmAmjyERtWES6EXTYqUPfJfQSzp2m", 100, "TZDCUCy3Wn1HhJVseANdrhzqDYCTEue8xT");

Create an unsigned transaction.

Send Token

tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendToken("TXPHCzmAmjyERtWES6EXTYqUPfJfQSzp2m", 100, "WIN", "TCanwMYEkP1e6ZWSA2gdU6jDEm1TxWMYQF");

Creates an unsigned Token transfer transaction.

Purchase Token

tronWeb.transactionBuilder.purchaseToken("TXPHCzmAmjyERtWES6EXTYqUPfJfQSzp2m", 100, "WIN", "TCanwMYEkP1e6ZWSA2gdU6jDEm1TxWMYQF");

Creates an unsigned ICO Token purchase transaction.

Freeze Balance

tronWeb.transactionBuilder.freezeBalance(tronWeb.toSun(100), 3, "ENERGY", "TXPHCzmAmjyERtWES6EXTYqUPfJfQSzp2m", "TXPHCbmRmjyRPtDFS6ERTPqUPfJfQSzp2m");

Creates an unsigned freeze TRX transaction.

Unfreeze Balance

tronWeb.transactionBuilder.freezeBalance("ENERGY", "TXPHCzmAmjyERtWES6EXTYqUPfJfQSzp2m", "TXPHCbmRmjyRPtDFS6ERTPqUPfJfQSzp2m");

Creates an unsigned unfreeze TRX transaction. This will unfreeze ALL TRX for that resource and also remove all VOTES.

Withdraw Block Rewards


Creates an unsigned Super Representative award balance withdraw transaction.

Apply for Super Representives

tronWeb.transactionBuilder.applyForSR(address = this.tronWeb.defaultAddress.hex, url = '');

apply for SR for an address

Vote votes = {srAddress : voteCount}, voterAddress = this.tronWeb.defaultAddress.hex);

vote for an SR

Create Token

tronWeb.transactionBuilder.createToken(options = TOKEN_OPTIONS, issuerAddress = this.tronWeb.defaultAddress.hex);

create a token

value    description    exampleoptions  token          {
options name = false,
abbreviation = false,
description = false,
url = false,
totalSupply = 0,
trxRatio = 1, // How much TRX will `tokenRatio` cost?
tokenRatio = 1, // How many tokens will `trxRatio` afford?
saleStart =,
saleEnd = false,
freeBandwidth = 0, // The creator's "donated" bandwidth for use by token holders
freeBandwidthLimit = 0, // Out of `totalFreeBandwidth`, the amount each token holder get
frozenAmount = 0,
frozenDuration = 0




Written by TRON DAO

The official Medium of TRON DAO.

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